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Partners of Trans & Non-Binary Folks (Peer Support Group)

This group was designed in collaboration with Stardust and Erin Poole, Registered Psychotherapist and Compass Community Health, to bring you a social and peer support group for the partners of Trans and Nonbinary folks. This is a space you can come, have snacks and hear stories from your peers, and discuss your shared experiences. This group is run by Stardust's Peer Support worker Wynnie


2nd Thursday Each Month




(In Person)

Upcoming Groups

These are the groups for the rest of 2023! 

  • Thursday October 12th  6:00pm - 7:30 pm 

  • Thursday November 9th 6:00pm - 7:30 pm 

  • Thursday December 14th 6:00pm - 7:30 pm 

Type of Group

Peer Support, Social, Supportive 

How to Sign up! 

This is a free drop in! Therefore sign up is not required. It is appreciated when we get emails at  when you are planning on coming, to ensure we have enough seats and snacks for all 

If you'd like more details, please feel free to get in touch with Autumn Getty from Compass at:, or contact us via email at

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